Smile Makeover Center

Implant Dentistry in Mexico

All implant dental procedures are completed in-house at our Mexico based clinic using the most innovative methods and highly skilled staff.

Our Treatments

Achieve a Perfect Smile with Superior Implant Dentistry in Mexico at Pure Smile

Discover the transformative power of dental implants at Pure Smile, your trusted provider of implant dentistry in Mexico. Dental implants have revolutionized restorative dentistry, offering a permanent, durable, and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. At Pure Smile, our experienced dental professionals leverage cutting-edge technology and advanced techniques to ensure you receive the highest standard of implant care.

Mexico has become a prominent destination for dental implant services due to its combination of affordable pricing and high-quality care. As a pioneer in this field, Pure Smile provides comprehensive implant solutions designed to restore function, improve aesthetics, and enhance the quality of life for our patients. From single tooth replacements to full-mouth rehabilitations, we’re here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your journey towards a radiant smile is as comfortable and efficient as possible. Trust Pure Smile to deliver the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Single implant

Single Implant

The gold standard treatment to replace a missing tooth is a dental implant. A dental implant will not sacrifice the health of neighbouring teeth unlike a bridge, which requires the adjacent teeth to be modified to serve as pillars to support the cemented bridge.

A surgical guide will be utilised for more precise and faster placement of the implant. At Pure, a temporary crown can be placed on the same day the implant is placed. After the healing process is completed, a permanent ceramic crown will be designed and milled right in our office in one single visit!

Implant Support Bridge

Implant Supported Bridge

When 3 or more teeth are missing in the same area of the mouth, an implant-supported bridge can be a great option to restore proper function and aesthetics. Two implants can be used to replace three or four missing teeth.

All on X

All-on-X Implant Systems

This treatment option consists of placing 4 to 8 implants in either the upper or lower jaw and attaching a full set of teeth. This treatment option is used when most teeth can no longer be restored or are missing.

During your first visit, Dr. Valdes will assess your jawbone quantity and quality and overall oral health by completing a CBCT scan. If you are a good candidate for an “all on x” system, Dr. Valdes will begin the planning of the surgical placement of implants based on a Smile Design generated based on facial proportions, function and optimum aesthetics.

At the time of surgery, Dr. Valdes will surgically place the titanium implants into the jawbone to simulate the “root” of the tooth. A provisional arch will be created when the implants are initially placed right here in our clinic. You will never leave the office without teeth! Over the next few months, the healing process will take place. The implants will fuse to the bone and will eventually serve as a permanent, stable support for the full arch restoration. A few months later, a permanent zirconia arch will be created in our in-house lab and will be secured to the implants.

Request Your Comprehensive Consultation

We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic and showing you the outstanding care and results that have made us a leader in dental tourism in Mexico.