Starting the dental implant treatment journey can be exciting and scary all the same. It’s only natural to be concerned about the dos and don’ts during the lengthy healing phase and beyond. Mindful care can indeed help you avoid any missteps so that you can optimize healing; avoid complications or implant failure; and achieve your dream smile, strong oral health, and better life quality.
For years, Pure Smile Makeover Center has been providing personalized, comprehensive dental treatments to locals and dental tourists in Mexico. We’ve got you covered with effective aftercare for dental implants for a smooth recovery.
Immediate Dental Implant Care After Surgery
For the first 24 to 72 hours after implant surgery, there’s bound to be some pain, discomfort, swelling, or bleeding. Here are some tips to ease things during this phase:
Observe Post-Operative Instructions
Stick to any dentist-provided aftercare advice as it’s typically tailored to your unique needs to maximize dental implant treatment success and ensure the best results.
Manage Pain and Discomfort
The following proven aftercare for dental implants can facilitate a good night’s sleep and daily activities:
- Use over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and antibiotics recommended by your dentist to manage any pain and infections.
- Apply a cloth-wrapped ice pack on the cheek area around the surgical site, advisably 15 minutes on and off until relief is achieved.
- To manage bleeding in the surgical site, gently bite down on dentist-provided gauze for 30 to 60 minutes. Replace it periodically and take it out before bed to prevent choking.
Rest Up
Quality sleep is a vital aftercare for dental implants. Use a pillow for optimal blood circulation to help reduce swelling, bleeding, and discomfort. Avoid strenuous activities as they can exacerbate swelling and bleeding.
Watch Your Diet
Eat soft and cold foods and drinks such as mashed potatoes, smoothies, soups, and milk that won’t apply pressure on the implant site.
- Hot, spicy, crunchy, and hard foods
- Using a straw; it can pull blood clots from the surgical site and cause bleeding
- Excessive chewing over the implant area
Over the next couple of weeks, you can slowly introduce hard foods and more.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is often overlooked when it comes to aftercare for dental implants, and yet it’s vital, not just during dental implant care after surgery, but beyond. It helps flush out germs and contributes to long-term oral health and overall wellness.
Observe Gentle Oral Hygiene
Although thorough hygiene is typical, take it easy during these few days. Use a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Try to avoid brushing the surgical site to prevent irritation. Rinsing with saltwater or dentist-recommended mouthwash can help ward off infections.
Mind Your Habits
Proper aftercare for dental implants entails ditching some unhealthy habits that can delay healing, cause complications or infections, or cause treatment failure, including:
- Disturbing your implants with your tongue or fingers
- Tobacco and alcohol use
- Teeth grinding
- Biting on hard objects
Seek professional help where necessary.
Aftercare Tips for the Healing and Osseointegration Phase
It typically requires four to six months for your implant, jawbone, and gum tissue to permanently fuse and heal. Recommended aftercare for dental implants in this stage includes:
Follow Up
Attend all follow-up appointments scheduled with your dentist. This helps them confirm that healing is proceeding as expected and adjust treatments in case of any concerns. Moreover, promptly report any out-of-place complications you may experience like prolonged or severe redness, swelling, pus, and bleeding.
Observe Proper Oral Hygiene
Adequate oral hygiene is necessary during this phase. Brush twice daily, floss regularly, and consider a dentist-recommended antibacterial mouthwash.
Long-Term Implant Care Tips
Despite the fairly restrictive dental implant care after surgery and during the healing phase, the good news is that once you’re past it, your implants will look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. Still, you’ll need proper ongoing aftercare for dental implants for robust oral health and a healthy smile that lasts for years.
Alongside quality oral hygiene and the health habits discussed earlier, go for regular checkups and cleanings every year or as recommended by your dentist. This can facilitate the early detection of any underlying issues that can lead to your implants’ failure such as health conditions, enabling your dentist to adjust your treatment plan accordingly. Report any complications like loose or moving implants or numbness.
Prioritize Quality Care, Enjoy Long-Lasting, Healthy Smile
Proper aftercare for dental implants requires a mix of diet, self-care, healthy habits, and professional care. At Pure Smile Makeover Center, Mexico, our board-certified dentists have helped countless local and international patients achieve their dream smiles and excellent oral health. Our dental blog is a trusted resource for valuable oral care insights. If you’re experiencing any issues with your dental implants after surgery or want to maintain them in top shape, don’t hesitate to book a comprehensive consultation today to discuss how we can help you.